Someone had the idea of adding a chart here for you guys to look at well I like to deliver so here you go!  I might have missed something but I don't think I did so if did comment below and from now on I'll just add things to this page for you guys to look at

RaceHumanProfessionAether Bladist
Fame3250Religion: [FoTBO]Position: Priest
Damage 108(+40)~Defense 62
Shadow Nemesis-+10% resistance to shadow magic, can not be bound by elementary Aether magic.
[Shadow Stealer]- damage +40
[Dusk Glove]- Defense 0:[Shadow Arm] (Cost 25 mana)
[Soggy Elvish Boots]-Defense 15
[Armor Of The Shadowless Man- Defense 50 [Shadow Walk] (Cost 100/10ft Mana)
[Bent Shin Guards]-Defense 7
[Ring Of Eternal Darkness Skill:  [Life of Darkness]: At death the user will turn into an unknown form with unknown status, intelligence, state of mind, and length of time.

[Duel Wield☆☆☆☆☆]lvl 2 %(passive)
Allows the user to use magic and swords, but it isn’t limited to that.  Upon further levels the ability to use other weapons grows. Actions are more fluid when using magic and weapons.

[Shadow blade☆☆☆]lvl 1 36%
Runes will be placed on the sword imbuing with shadow magic. 150% damage for every rune applied to the sword and chance to bind 3% (Cost: 25 mana)

[Stealth☆]lvl 1 66%
Shadows cover the user and hide him from sight.  However this skill only works in areas of darkness as it needs to blend in with the surroundings. (Cost:0, Cooldown: 30 minutes after release)

[Shadow Rune☆☆☆☆]lvl 1 12% (passive)
Allows the user to learn shadow magic, however only the basic shadow rune is currently known.  Defeating shadow beings will unlock new potential runes (Cost per Rune: 5 mana).

[Bread buff☆☆☆☆☆]lvl 1 5%
While bread is supposed to be used at food. You have continuously used it as a means to enrage a target. Thus a miracle has occurred and you can now bring out the power in bread.
Can only be used on an ally target, when used the ally will get a 200% bonus in stats for 10 minutes but afterward he user will die.  In the case of the target ally being an NPC the ally will not die but instead be incapacitated for 1 hour. (Because this treated as a buff a decrease in level will not be applied however the user will still need to wait 24 hours before logging in again)

The author's narrative has been misappropriated; report any instances of this story on Amazon.

[Sword Mastery ☆]lvl 3 5%
One with the sword.  The user as he masters the sword, his/her actions will become more swift higher chances of criticals and chance of learning new skills may be unlocked.  Increased damage when using the sword +4%(lvl 2).

[Cooking☆]lvl 5 17% (passive)
You proven your ability to cook a meal.  While the difficulty in cooking is not high, the user must have a basic understanding of when a meal is or is not ready to be consumed.
Bonus increase to satiety.
Depending on the meal cooked temporary stats can be gained.

(Idk this table is acting weird and I'm too lazy to fix it right now so yeah awks)

[Transmutation]lvl 1 27% (hidden skill)
This is a secret technique by a famous blacksmith to create the best metalwork in the entire country.  But that is not all it can be used for and even though it purifies materials the difficulty to control the transmutation is anything but easy.  However when mastered the weapons and armor will be known throughout the land as masterpieces. (With further levels allows new items to be transmuted and better work can be created.)

[Sloppy Swimming] lvl 2- (passive)
Your skills at swimming can be said to be subpar.  But your effort in learning was still rewarded.  Until you master the basics of swimming this skill will simply exist and play no role.  Your swimming skills have been rewarded a participation ribbon!  Keep up the good work.

[Shadow Rain☆☆☆] lvl 1: 10% (Domain Skill)
A skill used to summon a rainfall of shadow droplets.  As the rain falls the enemies within its domain will slowly possessed by the shadows.  If a user or monster becomes fully possessed the owner may use that target within the domain of the [Shadow Rain] but once the rain is cancelled the possessed monsters or users will perish.
Mana: 3 per minute.

[Shadow Piercer] ☆☆☆☆☆ lvl 1 4%

Making use of the shadows of their enemies, an [Aether Bladist] can summon thin blade like swords to pierce through their enemies.  As this magic uses the shadows of their enemies, without shadows it can not be used.  When mastery is high enough, the sharpness and force will increase until it resembles that of a perfect sword!  It is unknown what will happen when complete mastery has been obtained however, it surely will shake the world!
Mana cost per blade 20

[Final Stand] ☆☆☆ lvl 1 0%
With unshakeable determination, a hero must stand up at times when even he is at his last breath. Because one has something they must protect, a cause they must fight for, a dream they must turn into reality, a hero rises against all odds to overcome his own self even at the cost of their own life!
All Pain (Numbness) has been ignored! The user for 5 seconds will resist all forms of CC. Stats +25% for 2 seconds!

Support "[Second Saga]"

About the author


  • The Bread God


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