
Evening falls over the town of Falcon as a heavy fog rolls in at the estimated arrival of Calisto, “It’s one of her abilities” said Rain from under the cloak he was wearing standing behind the magistrate. They’re also by him was Elanee, Namor and Eve under cloaks as well, accompanied by the Drow guards; the regular men brought by Elanee were along the walls or leaning up against them to the area where the tribute of gold lay. Still with the charm upon them acting like brooms, ladders, water buckets and any other miscellaneous objects waiting the word of Eve to be said for the springing ambush.

Winds pick up pace and the flapping sound of dragon wing’s is heard coming from the south position,

“Scan to the sky in every direction where the sound is coming from, it’s another blue dragon trick, she can project sounds in any direction to fool someone of her arrival” said Eve from under her hood

“There to the west” shouted a guard pointing to the sky, and watching her grow bigger from getting closer she gains actual size and lands near the tribute with a pounding earth tremble as her feet touched to dirt. Calisto was smaller than Sephinroth but not by much, she had deep royal blue scales and gleaming sapphire eyes, her neck was as thick as a hundred year old oak tree at the base which stretched for about thirty feet to her head, which was as large as a great woolly mammoth. She exposed her perfect shaped razor teeth that gave off a surge of lightning all through them, her body build was similar to all dragons but her wings were sleek shaped and wide.

When she landed she sniffed around for a little while not speaking, just admiring the tribute made to her and with a nod of Rain’s head Eve called the word softly, releasing the men from their suspended states they then charged her position. Having wolf like hearing Calisto angled her head to the men coming at her and with a swift graceful leap into the air, flapping ferociously and violently with great thrust, she threw wave upon wave of impacting force to the standing spots and despite their efforts to avoid the hurricane winds Rain, Elanee and the rest were blown effortlessly into walls and closed doors of the town square, hitting them hard and fast were they all rendered unconscious. Calisto viewed the carnage and dropped again to the ground but when the dust settled one figure remained unshifted, crouched down avoiding the gales was Eve and rising to her feet again she then looked to everyone knocked out and removed her hood from her face.

“Enjoy the blow job boys, or was it too much for you to handle” Calisto sparked thundering from her mouth looking at Rain and the others who lay motionless on the ground “Humans, Elves they’re all so weak and pathetic, not even worth my time engaging” she snickered

“Then why don’t you pick on someone your own size” spitted out Eve and rearing her massive head behind her she glared at who would challenge her words, Calisto looks curiously at Eve for moments then like an amazing thought entered her mind her eyes grew big with surprise.

“Sephinroth…can it really be you! I thought I had heard the name Eve being put to your face” she said cocking her head slightly “You really think you will be welcome amongst them again, after everything you have done, to them; TO ME!!” she hatefully ended blowing dust toward Eve and flapping her cape in the exhale of Calisto’s voice, “You don’t mean to say that your still mad about the little thing I did to you, my lord you do carry a grudge and well I might add” Eve laughed

“LITTLE! You took my hatchling daughter from my lair and dissected her to harvest her lightning ability! You reptilian whore” Calisto thundered putting her large head right near Eve’s body showing the difference in size which was a lion to rat comparison.

“And well worth it to be sure” said Eve not flinching or showing an inch of fear, “For it worked well in the new host; although she couldn’t be controlled” Eve said quietly to herself

“I will send you to a far reached death well deserving for you acts Sephinroth” Calisto breathed out to her

“I still don’t get the big deal anyway? You have had more children within the hundred years or so and this minute act was an inconvenience to you; haven’t you…you’ve had more hatchlings so quite being so melodramatic” Eve says calmly with sarcasm

“Well what’s wrong with your’s…oh that’s right; I forgot…you can’t have any, well after I’m done with you, to show you the same consideration you gave me in the experimenting advancement sense I think I’ll make new cave paint for my walls out of you” and having been angered by humiliation at the hurtful remark, Eve changes form in to her dragon self as her eyes glow dark ruby red and scales grow to her skin, seeing Calisto taking to flight away from the town Sephinroth takes to her trail.

“Destroy the town” Calisto says to the giants parked outside the walls that were back up in case of the very situation,

“You have always been a coward; you should learn to fight your own battles Calisto” Sephinroth replies as she takes in a fiery breath aiming at the giants, breathing a fireflood of flame toward them, they take cover but lose the middle of their group in the flames, leaving two to destroy the city.

“I do what I need to survive Sephinroth” says Calisto echoing her voice behind her flight path.

Flying through the sky the two exchange heaves of flame and lightning at each other, making only nears misses the attacks rake the ground causing fire to erupt everywhere, having the greater speed but not near the endurance of strength Calisto starts to slow as Sephinroth gains ground. Gaining enough to grip her back talon Sephinroth turns her weight to free fall bringing Calisto down with her crashing into the ground. Raking each other with talons, teeth and tails, they spared and skirmish on the ground rolling around throwing strength at their bodies.

Finally getting a good hold and firm grip to Calisto’s throat Sephinroth attempts to squeeze the life from her, fighting and struggling Sephinroth slams her neck to the ground repeatedly putting her into a daze, trying to make out Sephinroth’s fuzzy image, Calisto sees Sephinroth taking a breath to burn her to a crisp death and closing her eyes Calisto teleports the two away.

Arriving back into town the two monstrous masses crash into the ground toppling some buildings on the south end of the town, changing forms to mask their entrance and avoid attention they revert to humanoid form and pick themselves up off the ground from the distant fall.

  Getting to her feet first Sephinroth gets a first glimpse of Calisto’s human form. She had jet black hair banded into a pony tail and wore a full leather cat suit in an oriental styled body frame. Her eyes were a deep sea blue and gave off a dark sparkly crystal skin complexion from the corner of her eyes to the brim of her jaw line.

“You defiantly have the battle advantage in the skies, but grounded” Calisto paused doing a spin kick to Sephinroth’s face sending her spinning to the ground “I reign supreme” she finishes driving another leg high leather boot shot to the stomach of Sephinroth sending her flying into some barrels.


Being tickled by dusk to her face and waking to the sound of low tone thumping Elanee opens her eyes to the sight of a guard tower teetering toward her, having no time to act or scream she closes her eyes again to brace for a quick painful death; seconds go by that she knows she shouldn’t have and opening her eyes from not hearing the crumbling of the tower on to her, she looks to the tower being held in place not moving. Confused she looks around and sees Rain beat red in the face, his arms are in the shape as if to lift a barbell and his legs are bent as if buckling under mass pressure.

“ELANEE MOVE QUICKLY…I don’t know how long I can ahhhh! Hold this” Rain grits the words through his teeth and rolls out of the way Elanee stands behind Rain as he then lets it finish pounding to the ground.

“I…I never know you could…umm… was that hard” she asks

“Huh, uh huh, what you couldn’t tell from my expression or something” Rain replied hold his knees catching his breath,

“Sorry I just never knew you could do that” she replied to him smiling

“Me neither, I never tried that amount of weight before, and hope fully not for a while again” he says huffing and climbing upright again.

“Wait where’s Namor he was right beside me and…oh god…No!” she said covering her mouth at the tower rubble

“Relax, he’s over there” Rain said pointing to a figure laying in the corner by a building, running to his side she checked his pulse and relaxed again “He’s alive, thank you for this, I know it must have been hard for you” she said

“Not really, surprisingly he’s very light for how much I have seen the man eat”

Stolen from Royal Road, this story should be reported if encountered on Amazon.

“That’s not what I meant Rain” Elanee said with a look

“I know, and I know how much he means to you so of course I would have saved him” Rain says and moving to her side Rain picks Namor’s body and telling her they should find more soldiers, the pummeling sound came from the giants laying siege to the town’s gate wall.

Running to the front gate carrying Namor and having Elanee trail close behind, Rain called to Eve not knowing where she was since the fight began, they got to the front gate and saw archers on the remaining parts of the wall firing arrows into void of the fog. Rain rests Namor down and tells Elanee to continue to try and wake him up, Rain rushes to the wall top and meets up with the guards being led by a Drow lieutenant brought by him.

“Rain, they are hitting this place hard, there is no telling how long this will stand” the lieutenant said and having Rain think for moments the boulder launching assault suddenly stopped.

“What the… why did they stop” asked the lieutenant who look at Rain, suddenly a thought jumps to Rain head and he run to the inside of the guard wall yelling to the guards by the door to brace the gate. Slamming their bodies into the doors, Rain and others heard the sound of stomping steps followed by a massive bashing impact against the door. Sending the guards into the air from the bending impact of the door, more guards assist the holding that couldn’t hold off another blow. Elanee awakes Namor and he is at first dazed wondering what has happened

“No time to explain” Elanee said

“Elanee!” cried Rain seeing him awake “Take Namor and get the people from their homes and out of the area, these giants are going to be coming through any minute!” he ordered with his body pressed to the doors and nodding her head Namor and her run into homes evacuating the people.

Rain and the others hold structure to the door for a couple more hits but splintering more and more from the continuing onslaught the gates finally gives way. Letting the doors fling open the guards and Rain who casts a stone skin spell on himself engage the giants. Tossing the guards like rag dolls until only Rain was standing, Rain summons his blade while throwing a fireball to one giant and dodging the massive swings of the other. The fireball is blocked with a club turning it into a fire bat and lining up a shot unknowing to Rain, the giant swings with all of his might and like hitting a golf ball sends Rain hurling into a building side having his blade separated from his hands.

Crashing through the side, the foundation gives way and collapses on top of him,

“RAINNNN!” Elanee yells to him seeing the event happen holding a young girl in her arms but she is soon relieved to see the rubble moving, pushing the boards off Rain climbs to the top of the debris pile, Rain unleashes an unearthly anger in his eyes.

“I’m tired of being pelted around like a sand bag” he grits fueling up with a deep rage and walks toward the giants. Growing sparks in his eyes and arks to his fingertips when the two giants came at him raising the clubs for another blow Rain released his anger, sending lightning toward them knowing that they weren’t immune like the dragon, they light up like a couple of lighthouses. They resisted the electricity but Rain implored on watching them start to weaken, hearing the crying pain Rain continuously poured more and more power upon them until they dropped to their knees releasing their clubs. Changing spells Rain throws twin green orbs toward them, dripping ooze to the ground as they flew toward them the orbs impacted the giants turning them into nothing but steamy cesspools’ of gooey remnants’ on the ground.

Turning his head to Elanee breathing heavy from the power exerted, Elanee gave him a mesmerizing look of awe from the destructive power he just showed. She and the other men stood looking at him wondering if they should bow or run from him for the look wasn’t gone from his eyes.

“Rain” Elanee said putting down the girl and walking toward him “It’s ok, Rain you did good, they’re dead, you can come back now…too us…Rain” she said and seeing him shaking his head he look to her again with innocent eyes

“Elanee…I…what happened” Rain said looking at the mess of the ground “Did I do that”

“You saved us Rain and that’s what counts” she said going up to him and embracing him with a hug slowly. The comforting moment only lasted for a few seconds when they all heard a scream from a woman

“Eve” said Rain startled “She’s in trouble, we have to find her”


Walking toward her bruised and battered body, Calisto picked up Sephinroth again and slugged her bloodied mouth rapidly dripping more and more of it to the ground for the punches and kicks seemed to hit her faster than the lightning Calisto threw. On the verge of passing out Calisto shakes her awake,

”You die when I say you can” Calisto huffs throwing violently into some already broken wooden crates from her before. Crawling on the ground to try and get away Calisto follows behind her like a wolf hunting a sick wounded deer, she picks Sephinroth up again and this time raises her into the air.

“Time to meet your end, BITCH!” she says and surging voltage through her arms to her hands she starts to electrocute Sephinroth in spurts allowing her to breath in the pain after each jolting.

Hearing her scream in pain Rain yells to her again “EVE!!!”

“It’s no use Rain we can’t see in this fog, we need Alisianna’s winds” says Namor to him

“Or maybe just a magical beacon, Rain you can detect magic right, well she’s magic and made of a lot she should shine like a lighthouse to us to find her” Elanee suggests and smiling liking the idea Rain tries, sure enough the spell works and a bright light shine a block away.

“Were coming Eve hang on” Rain yells to her in the air.

Hearing and smelling the group closing in Calisto stops striking Sephinroth, “Saved by quick thinking aid of a mage, how fortunate you are as well as resilient, most dragons should have died from my lightning by now, but no matter; let this be a lesson to you and a promise…I will have my revenge, and next time no one will be there to save you” Calisto sparks and in a bright blue flash disappears just before the group rounded the last corner to see Eve near death and passed out on the ground.

Getting to Eve quickly Rain gently picks her up, her body still smoldering from the final attack made by Calisto, “My god! What has she done to you” said Rain who takes her to the town church. Elanee and the Drow lieutenant organize a cleanup crew to save the wounded and bury the dead, Namor assists where he could, feeling like an outsider knowing that this isn’t his area of expertise. Getting people relocated back to their homes Elanee joins up with Rain again back at the church, Rain applies a damp cloth to Eve’s forehead that is lying in the head priests’ bed for the time.

“I hope Father Stachuck doesn’t mind sharing his bed for a while” said Rain coming to the door to see Elanee,

“To tell you the truth I don’t know, Rain Father Stachuck is dead, he was killed by the giants during the raid” Elanee replied “And Tristan and his force won’t be able to show for yet another two days,

“I’m sorry to hear that” Rain says “I guess we are on our own then”

“How is she doing” Elanee puts out softly with some concern.

“She’s alive but barely; how’s the wounded, is there a lot?” he inquired back to her

“Well Kyle has a broken leg, and besides some bad cuts and minor bruising everyone else seems ok, the Father was the only fatality; thanks to you Rain”

“To me” Rain questions

“Yeah, that was some display of power out there tonight; your abilities are most certainly growing at an amazing rate Rain”

“This was merely the cause of me losing control Elanee, my mother spoke to me long ago of such a weakness where if I didn’t control my emotions, my blood would boil filling with a massive rage build-up causing my powers to become for a time; supercharged. That happened to night and I’m sorry that you had to see it” Rain explained disappointed.

“I for one am grateful for the power boost you got or I’d probably be dead right now; well I think I’m needed outside so I’ll leave you two alone” cutting the awkward silence in two and departing Elanee leaves the church archway,

“Elanee wait” Rain said stopping her movement

“Yes…Rain” she said turning around

“Thank you, for bringing me back to this side again, it was your voice I heard after killing the giants that calmed me down to focus again, bringing my boiling demon blood to a simmer” Rain said to her with a hug “If you hadn’t been there…”

“Then you would have come back on your own Rain you must see and believe that in yourself, I do” she finished letting him go and with a light kiss to his cheek she walked away again.


Hours pass until Eve’s eyes finally open again and to greet her is Rain who for the whole time never left her side, “Rain” she said when her vision was cleared enough to make out his blurred face.

“Yeah, it’s me, how are you feeling?”

“Sore…very sore and weak” she whispered out to him “You know you didn’t have to watch over me”

“I needed to make sure you would live, you haven’t been seen by a cleric yet and I was worried about you, besides my magic is drained and I’m weak too, I’m more of a hindrance trying to move things out there anyway” Rain smiled to her “Can I get you anything?”

“Maybe a bath area; I feel so dirty and gross” she suggested and Rain personally took her on his horse to a nearby pond to let her wash up. Helping her dismount he took her to the shoreline and left her to her privacy as he walked back to the horse to wait.

“Rain…could you help me, I don’t think I can reach my back” Eve said to him

“Ummm…yeah ok I could do that” Rain’s voice became uncomfortable and shaky as he paced back to her, gently removing her straps holding up her top Rain’s hands were shaking with a feeling of desecration to her, feeling his vibrations Eve reached back and held his hands bringing them to a pause, “It’s ok Rain I trust you” she said softly; helping with the rest she took off her top tossing it to the ground and with a cloth Rain dosed her back with water.

“Ouch!” she cried and Rain stopped

“Sorry” Rain said quickly

“It’s ok” Eve took in feeling the water bringing down the blood from her back to the ground “Keep going”. Rain kept at it for a time cleaning her up as good as his gentle touch could do. Eve turns back to him and they look at each other intensely until they close their eyes and kiss one another, the kiss lasts a couple of seconds when Eve could smell a Sulfur like substance in the area. Not ending the kiss and opening her eyes Eve stared at a familiar face, for behind Rain in the woods stood Logan smiling a sinister smile at her, her mind flooded with thoughts and a single one stood out to her, staring back at Logan she reached into her belt to pull from a concealed section a dagger from it and rising it into the air unaware to Rain’s senses.

Grinning and giving her a nod Logan disappeared, and looking to Rain again Eve’s mind grows clouded with emotion and feelings. Holding the weapon firm above his head she closes her eyes again and drops it to the ground, hearing it stab the earth Rain stops the kiss to see what happened, he looks down to the dagger and then looks to her who holds a scared for impending judgment on her face. Rain gets up and wraps up Eve in his Cloak.

“Someone’s here” Rains shouts and takes off to check the woods, Eve turns around and drops to her knees again picking up the dagger. Holding it in her hands she looks back at Rain who was combing the grounds while a warm feeling ran to her heart when she just held a glimpse of his figure to her eyes, and following the feeling tears flowed to her eyes.

“I can’t…I just can’t”


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About the author


  • Canada

Bio: I'm a young man born to a simple life, I started writing due to my over criticalness of other content I'm intrested in and wished it to be known from my prospective. I'm a new author and the posted book I have here is one I have published but wish for lots of feedback good and bad, please don't be shy and tell me what you think.

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