A note from Kestix

Hmm, this chapter is 1,5 times larger than normal. I don't know how much I can get out of the next one, so don't scream bloody murder if it's shorter than this one. ^^



Third Person's POV;


The state of Konoha could only be described as a chaos produced by raging battles. The southern walls were breached by a three-headed snake summon that was taller than a twenty story high building and Ninja's from both Sunagakure and Otogakure were rushing through the rubble that was once the outskirts of the village, killing everything in their wake.


But it seems like Konoha wasn't completely unprepared, there were Ninja who tried to stall for time and in some cases even pushed the enemy back. For the outsider, this may look like a lost battle, as each Konoha Ninja had to fight against at least two enemies at once.


For those who were involved in the defense plan, it was a tactic that would allow the civilians and academy students to flee towards the shelters under the Hokage monument.


But not every Genin was doing that right now. There were a few that had other plans.


“This is bad, Sasuke is getting further away. There are two others as well, they are about to fight and we have to take a longer route to avoid them”, said a small pug named Pakun. He is a summon from Kakashi and was helping Sakura and Shikamaru to save the nutcase named Sasuke. He even went so far as to offer the soft underside of his paw for them.


“Bothersome, do you know who it is?”, asked Shikamaru. He is always the tactician and wasn't fond of another unknown in this already fucked up scenario.


“No, but it would be the wisest to avoid them”, answered the dog.


“But we must help Sasuke-kun”, disagreed Sakura.


“It's better than to be exhausted when we finally reach him”, countered Shikamaru and they turned left to take another route.


Ten minutes later and Pakun came with the next bad news;” We're followed by a group of Ninja, they are coming closer, even with their approach of being careful to not walk into a trap”.


“Fuck, they all must be around Chunin level, we can't be stopped now. Sakura, Pakun, you two will have to go without me. I will slow them down. When you see Sasuke, just grab him and then run. Gaara is too strong for you two alone”, cursed Shikamaru, who then stopped and got ready for the inevitable fight. The other two heard a last bothersome before they were too far away.


Another ten minutes later they began to hear the sound of fighting. The two then found themselves facing a halfway transformed Gaara that was battling a losing Sasuke.


And Sakura, always the useless Ninja to make matters worse, rushed right in and got herself pinned to a tree by sand. Pakun, who wanted to wait out, found himself unsummoned by a broken neck, courtesy to a masked man.


Hehehehe I got your teammate”, laughed the crazy redhead.


“As if I care about a weak girl”, shouted Sasuke back and fired a flame bullet at the sand user. The ball of fire impacted an instantly raised sand barrier and exploded. The fire consumed a few near standing trees but did no other damage.


Hahahaha, that's right. The weak matter not, only the strong will survive and I am one of them. Mother will love your blood”, cackled Gaara psychotically.


He swished his transformed arm down in a diagonal way and sand Shuriken shot out of it. Over two dozen of these deadly sand weapons flew to the tree that was used as Sasuke's barricade. The tree may have been over two meters thick, but even that couldn't stop a Bijuu infused attack.


Sasuke's only luck laid in the fact that Shukaku wasn't in full control and the weakness of the weakest nine Bijuu.

Still, even the weakest of the nine Bijuu was way above a Genin and Sasuke could only evade most of the incoming sand Shuriken. Two of them hit his left arm and made it useless.


Ah, mother says that the one who feels similar finally showed up. Come out and show yourself”, shouted Gaara suddenly. He then looked around and stopped his gaze on the left side of their battlefield.


Sasuke, who desperately needed the break, looked as well and saw a man in clothes that strongly resembled those of Dexter Uzuki. He wore black bondage trousers with green lines and a black tank top with green flames.


His face was hidden by a skull mask, also with green lines that went trough the eyes.


The changes then stopped. This man had nine fox like tails swishing behind him, his hair was spiky and yellow with red lines, fox ears were on his head and his eyes shone in a purple light. They had rings in them and tomoes were inside these rings. Tomoes that were not unlike those of his Sharingan.


“Who are you?”, asked Sasuke in a demanding tone. He was an Uchiha, he had all rights to know who this stranger was.


“Seriously? You should have at least glanced at the Kagebox”, was the comment of this man. Sasuke looked dumbfounded at this rebuke, but Gaara saved him from asking any more questions.


Hehehehehe, he's the Uzukage, a worthy foe. I would have never thought that someone in such a position would pose as a Genin”, laughed Gaara. Dexter, who was of course this man, didn't show any reaction to Gaara's claim of knowing him to be Dexter Uzuki as well.


“Why is the Uzukage here?”, asked Sasuke. He had regained his breath, but didn't really want to start the fight again. He may be an Uchiha, but this guy was as strong or even stronger than Dexter Uzuki. The guy who easily slapped him away, while being in full curse mode. He was perfectly fine with watching how a Kage will handle this. He would have time to proclaim his help at a later time, when more people were watching him. People who were already believing everything he said.


Gaara, who didn't want to speak anymore laughed maniacally;“Mother demands your blood!”. He jumped up with a bloodthirsty scream and threw his arm out at the Uzukage. The sand arm grew longer and spikier. The now more than deadly appendage rushed at Dexter and was swatted away by two of his tails.


“You are boring in this state, barely stronger than a low Jonin”. This comment enraged Gaara even more and sand began to creep over his torso. His face was now halfway covered and one long raccoon ear formed at the top of his head. His eye also changed into a diamond form.


DIE!”. The screamed order from Gaara came with a rush of new sand Shuriken, who were all further accelerated by a burst of wind. The wind alone was strong enough to uproot trees. The now faster than sound Shuriken ripped through the trees like paper. That, however, was everything they managed to rip apart. Dexter jumped away from his position and the Shuriken missed him. He returned the attack with a wind bullet of his own.


The nearly invisible bullet crossed the distance between him and Gaara in a blink and impacted into an automatically raised sand shield. The sand was flung outwards but didn't let anything through.


WEAK!WEAK!”, laughed Gaara. He formed sand spears and began to fling them in groups of four at him. Some were even flung at Sasuke. He, Sasuke, was in a pinch, one the one hand he could perfectly follow these spears of deadly sand, but on the other hand he couldn't move fast enough to evade them. At least not without getting skewered partly.


Dexter saved him thankfully by blasting the spears away with more wind bullets. It was then, the moment Sasuke wanted to use for a thankful 'Hnn', that sand shot up from under Dexter.


Got you! Now die!”. Gaara raised his hand and the sand enclosed Dexter almost completely before Gaara closed his hand into a fist. His disappointment was enormous when he wasn't able to hear the crunch of bones and the sound of splattered blood.


He looked at his victim, only to see these glowing purple orbs shining out of the creepy mask.


It was at this moment that Gaara knew that this wasn't a foe he could beat in a normal way. This man was a monster on his own. Understandably so, with how similar he felt to mother.


The next thing shocked him even more, he lost control of his sand and it simply crumbled down. The now free Uzukage stood there as if nothing happened.


UARGH WHY WON'T YOU DIE?!”. This outburst was accompanied by a flood of sand that destroyed anything it its path. The ground was upturned, the trees shredded and Sasuke was seen jumping away as fast as he could.


Only Dexter stood still on his tree stump. He lifted his arms towards the oncoming wall of sand and muttered something before a ripple effect took place in front of his open hands. The sand that was only a few metres away from him suddenly lost all momentum and slowed down to a big dune in front of him.


Gaara, who saw his desire for blood denied again and again, got angry beyond anything. He saw himself forced to ask help from his mother. Something that he didn't like to do, as it means that he won't know or feel how he crushed his victim. But this one felt so much similar to mother that he wasn't really against it.

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Anything that felt like mother was strong enough to be fought by her.


This was why he raised his hands in a hand sign and then shouted a Jutsu never used in a fight. “[Play Possum Jutsu]!”. With these words he slumped over and looked as if he was in some form of trance, that was until he opened his eyes again and showed two diamond shaped eyes.




Change of POV: Dexter's POV;


°Finally, I thought he would never use this Jutsu°, said Dexter mentally to his girlfriend.


°Yes, I don't know if Shukaku also changed his gender appearance, but he normally didn't like to be a woman. I don't know why Gaara calls him that°, replied Kura-chan.


°Might have something to do with his real mother. I think to remember something about her being the reason for his control over sand and not Shukaku. By that logic I would also be able to control something. Shukaku must've used Gaara's desire for a mother as a way to get him trusted.


You wanted to do the same at the beginning°.


°I didn't turn you into a crazy bloodthirsty child that would do anything for the person he only loves°, said Kura-chan in her defense.


I could only laugh at her claims to be different from her sibling.

°You didn't have to, doesn't mean you wouldn't have°. That she didn't gave me a reply to this made me only laugh louder. This time even outside of my head.


KEKEKEKE, finally free!”, shouted a similar but distinct different voice out of Gaara's mouth.

The sand that was formerly around his arm and torso was now gone and even the armor of him crumbled.


I have to thank you, host of my brother”, he then said and grinned maniacally at me.

As a form of thanks I will kill you quickly!”, he then shouted and hundreds of tons of sand flowed towards him. It enclosed him and formed the body of Shukaku with Gaara attached to it's head.


°It may look like him, but isn't really him. The origin of his Chakra is still inside Gaara. This is only his sad attempt to look free. He was always miffed about the fact that he couldn't do a second form of a tailed beast mode. He won't be able to fire a Bijuu Dama as well. At least not early in the fight°, snickered Kura-chan.


°Well, it seems like we will finally have something real to fight. Even if he's not as strong as possible°, I replied and activated the Demon path and transformed my right arm into a Chakra canon. The canon was then charged and fired.


A beam that grew quickly to the size of a fifteen meter thick line plowed into the side of the sand monster and shot out from the other side. The beam turned the outer lines into glass and turned anything else in its wake into ash.


°Easy there, you can't kill him with one attack, what if that had hit Gaara?°, reprimanded Kura-chan. I simply had to scratch the side of my had at this accusation.


°Sorry, I think I got a little trigger happy. The thought of fighting someone that was stronger or as strong as Guy, without holding back, was just too much°.


EECCK what happened? Why are you so strong?”, asked Shukaku. He was already generating and looked to me now for the first time. His mouth opened in disbelieve, before he began to screech loudly.


 This appeared to have been a rhetorical question as he inhaled deeply and then shot hundreds of car-sized air bullets at me. Each one would have been strong enough to destroy a house. But they were made out of Chakra and as such weak to my Hungry Ghost path.

This appeared to have been a rhetorical question as he inhaled deeply and then shot hundreds of car-sized air bullets at me. Each one would have been strong enough to destroy a house. But they were made out of Chakra and as such weak to my Hungry Ghost path.


°Totally overpowered this Jutsu°, I admitted and Kura-chan nodded rapidly at my statement.


°The original Naruto only survived the fight because Nagato has a god complex and isn't able to fully use the eyes. They aren't his to begin with. And only ones own eyes will show their true strength°, reminded Kura-chan.


Why won't they hit?”. Shukaku then tried to shoot sand boulders at me, but those were way slower than the air bullets and could be quickly evaded. The fact that I can fly with my God path was helping tremendously.


I got closer to him and began to inscribe a seal into the air. The seal was finished before I reached him and activated by contact. A well of gravity hit the field around the seal and Shukaku was slightly pressed into the ground. The few trees that managed to survive his growth were now flattened and I only evaded the effect by using a counter gravity with my God path.


This won't stop me!”, roared Shukaku. He then raised one of his giant arms and swatted me out of the air. The hit only connected thanks to his size and my inability to activate the Hungry Ghost fast enough.


The swat itself would have been strong enough to kill most Jonin, it was strong enough to perforate most of my rips and my left shoulder. The later incoming crash with the earth would have done further damage if I wouldn't already have my Susano'o in place.


°Idiot, be a little more careful. His large body is hard to evade if you are this close to him°, chided Kura-chan. She then flooded my system with her Chakra and my bones melded themselves, before snapping back in place.


I was already fully healed when I stood up. This was also the time Shukaku needed to get out of the gravity well. He jumped forward and soared over my head while shooting wind swords downwards.


°How else can I get near Gaara's body?°, I asked while evading the wind swords that were leaving large trench marks in the ground.


°Duh, remove him from Shukaku's sand body. Use the God path°, said Kura-chan in a tone that strongly hinted at my possible stupidity.


°Where is the fun in that?°, I whined right back and felt her rolling her eyes in annoyance.


°Stupid men and their desire to fight and have fun, when they could give their women a gift°, she mumbled loud enough for me to hear.


Shukaku must've noticed that I wasn't paying my full attention to him because he increased his rate of firing sand projectiles at me. Not that the previous one hit anything.


°Is your brother stupid?°, I asked between my invasions and attempts to get back onto the good side of my woman.


°Huh? Oh he's still trying to hit you with this annoying sand attacks?°, she asked. Also only now refocusing on the fight.


°Yes, it's as if he isn't able to do anything else°, I answered.


°That's because he isn't. Shukaku can't use a Bijuudama right after gaining a body and he doesn't know any attacks other than these sand ones. That's why he stays inside the desert. There is so much sand that he can simply drown his enemies there. He also doesn't know how to fight a small and evasive body. Always relied on his sand to trap his opponent°, she explained.


°That's kinda sad. It's as if he's the little sibling that wants to do what his elder siblings can, only to fail at everything he tries°, I said with a laugh and shot a few rockets out of my shoulder at him. The missiles were caught in a sand wall and crushed before they could explode.


°He always was father's favorite for being the smallest and weakest°, grumbled Kura-chan.


Now, that I managed to redirect the ire of a female onto a different male, I refocused on the battle and saw that Shukaku grew a lot bigger than he was at the start and the black sealing lines were now in full view.


°He's almost ready to fire his Bijuudama. You should hurry or we will have to fire our own to counter his. The resulting explosion might destroy the whole forest°, she warned. And she was right, Shukaku opened his mouth and the purple ball began to from in it.


°That's why I waited, now he can't stop the charging or will be forced to fire it before it's ready, which will harm his host and possibly kill him°, I said gleefully and shot towards Shukaku. The ball was now as big as a house and grew larger by the minute.


Shukaku saw my sudden rush at him, but couldn't move without interrupting the charge. He could only shoot a few more sand bullets, but these were stopped by the Hungry Ghost path.


I flew right into the now almost black ball and activated said path. The flush of Chakra was enormous and quickly led into the seal towards Kura-chan, where she sucked everything up.


The ball wobbled slightly, before inflating into itself. It then vanished and I shot out of the other side. I was now face to face with Shukaku's eyes and as such with Gaara, who was positioned between them.


A quick almighty push that forced his incoming hands away gave me time to close the distance to Gaara and I was able to place my hand on his seal.


The Hungry Ghost path was activated before Shukaku could do anything else and the Bijuu screamed in pain while I sucked his Chakra out and placed it into Kura-chan's seal. From where she began to absorb it for herself. The conductor, namely me, wasn't left unharmed by this as well. I screamed alongside Shukaku. My hands turned black from Chakra burn, my control over the God path slipped until we were on the ground. My insides were feeling like they would burn out, which they probably did and only the giant Chakra coils I got through my training and transformation enabled me to do this without dying.


I mean I was sucking out most of the Chakra of a tailed beast. Even a little bit of Naruto's allowed the sickly pale Nagato to get young again and here I was sucking out almost everything from Shukaku.


The whole process took me around five minutes and Gaara was already reverted back to his normal form. The body of Shukaku was now a small desert under us. My hands, up to my elbows were blackened from the Chakra burn. And I had to blink a few times to get the blood, that came out of my eyes, away.


°This*phant* felt so*phant*...good!°, moaned Kura-chan. Her voice sounded as if she came right out of an orgasmic induced delirium.


°Glad.. to hear that it was... good for one of us°, I said with a pained wince and grabbed the now falling Gaara by the hem of his net shirt, only to see that the grabbing hand turned into ash.


Large amounts of her Chakra suddenly began to flood my system and began to heal the wounds. I barely stopped the two tails from forming.


°What happened to you?That's all my fault, I'm so sorry.All the damage!I'm sorry.We can't do that again if it hurts you this much!I'm sorry....°. Her words were said in a rush, and the emotions that she felt about me being hurt because of her let me forget the remaining pain I felt completely.


°We don't have to, this was only because I did it this fast. Next time we will have the Jinchuriki in a unconscious state and do it slowly. You know I would do it again if it means you will gain a body without forcing me to die°, I said and interrupted her rant about me being hurt, my need to come inside the seal for a 'physical' check and the repeated apologies.


She stopped mid-sentence, was silent for a short amount of time and then began again.

°But that was only the weakest of my siblings!I'm sorry.Come inside!I need a hug.Do you still feel some pain or do I have to give you more Chakra?You could've died.Here is more Chakra°. More Chakra was released inside me. A shock wave blew dust away and I began to form the fourth tailed Biju-mode. My skin flaked off and burned to ash, while healing right after, only to be burned again.


°Stop, stop°, I said but she was too deep in her apology mode to listen. A fifth tail formed and with it the bones. Only the fact that she didn't mean me harm stopped her Chakra from hurting me more. But any more tails would begin to do just that. Even without her intention of harming me this amount of Chakra, without her concentrating to clean it from the corrosive effect, would slowly burn me. The soil around me was already blackened from the effects.


I concentrated and slipped into my mind scape, where I found the walls to bubble from her Chakra. A sobbing and still excuse mumbling Kura-chan was sitting in a bubble of Chakra that flowed towards the walls.


Her whole body was glowing and the presence she normally radiated was stronger than normal. Most likely because she got stronger with Shukaku's Chakra.


I hurried over to her and hugged her. Her slitted and teary red eyes looked into my own slitted and blue eyes. Our tails intertwined and she hugged me back with another burst of sobs.


I reassured her that I was fine, and that I wouldn't die from this, while kissing the top of her head.

Her ears twitched with each kiss in an increasingly cute way and she calmed down after some time.


“But your hands, they are burned”, she whispered.


“And can be healed with the [Flames of healing], remember, I can heal a wound like this”, I reassured and stopped further protest with a kiss.





Change POV: Sasuke's POV;


What a fight! This is the strength of a Kage? That monster that came out of Gaara was terrifying. It destroyed the whole forest. And the Uzukage just fired this beam Jutsu at it and burned a hole into its large body. Only for the body to regrow!


His movements were way faster than what I could follow with my eyes. And I have the Sharingan!


I think it wouldn't be good to claim any involvement in this fight. At first, I had hoped to be able to help him in some way, but this was way above me.


I think even Nii-san would have trouble fighting that thing.



And then the Uzukage flew. He flew! Directly into the monsters attack and grabbed Gaara, who was between its eyes. After that, both began to scream and I saw how much Chakra was pumped out of Gaara and into the Uzukage. It was so much that I would have bet that he would die from it.


His hands even began to burn from the amount of Chakra.


They fell down from the sky and the Uzukage stopped screaming, his arms turned into dust. He then suddenly began to bubble with visible red Chakra. Which then formed a monster on its own.


This Chakra felt foul and killed everything around it, I couldn't even go ten meters near him without getting sick.


And then, it was suddenly gone. The monster that looked like a fox, a fox with bones, vanished and the Uzukage was left. His clothes were burned and he only wore parts of his trousers and his mask. Anything else was burned and what remained was red skin that got pelted off from the slight breeze that hit his body. Under it was new skin.


Is Nii-san as strong as him? Could he be able to train me, so that I could beat Nii-san? People told me that Nii-san is as strong as a Kage and I heard that Orochimaru is as strong as the Hokage, who in return should be as strong as the Uzukage. Does that mean that the offer of Orochimaru would make me as strong as the Uzukage and in return as strong as Nii-san?


“Are you okay lord Uzukage?”, I asked hesitantly. It wouldn't do me good to act like I normally do. I might need him to train me.


His eyes that still glowed in this purple light focused on me and I felt as weak as I felt when Nii-san showed me how he killed our parents.


“You're still alive?”, he then asked in slight disbelieve.


“Eh yes sir, your fight moved away from me and Sakura”, I answered and ignored the blatant 'Why is someone weak here'. In comparison to him, I am weak.


“Is that so? Then grab her and return to Konoha, the fight there should have ended by now”, he then said and gave his remaining black hand a hit with his stump. The hand crumbled to dust, only to then burn in a white flame. The flame grew larger, and further away from his stump. After five minutes or so it stopped burning and showed fully healed hands.


What was this Jutsu? His hands regrew! No Jutsu should be able to do that.


“You're still here?”, he then asked and I knew that I was dismissed. I already was with his first statement.


“I'll go lord Uzukage”, I hurriedly said and jumped over to where I left the still downed form of Sakura. I then grabbed her and began to jump back to Konoha. This fight showed me how strong someone can become and proved that there are people as strong..or even stronger... than Nii-san.


A note from Kestix

I'm a little confused, some comments alluded that I would have sex with my friend. Did I word it wrong? 


I only meant that a friend would come over and I wouldn't have the time to write. I spent the whole day playing Heroes and Might of Magic V, still best game of the series. 6 and 7 suck.

About the author


  • Germany
  • Live for the cake, even if it's fake!


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