Binary Soul



Chapter 57 - It's a child's duty to be curious about things


> Kira PoV <

We approach the bandits’ treasury. Kelly said the girls she found were in here. There appears to be a dwarf-shaped hole in the iron gate. Ellie and I have to bend over slightly but we proceed inside.

We walk for a few more steps before I hear voices up ahead.

“... and, and then she like, completely catches the [Thunder]! With one hand!” (Kelly)

“Uwaa! Is-is that true?” (Tiny voice)

“I don’t lie! Red’s a real monster!” (Kelly)

“And since when does a raging alcoholic get to call me a monster!?” (Kira)

I turn the corner and I see Kelly has stepped out of Scrappy and holding one of her flasks and speaking with a little girl - probably Sophie. I’m not sure if that’s proper conduct in front of children.

“That would be since you buried a castle! With one spell! And then, and then you blackmailed a noble! With a smiling face no less!” (Kelly)

“Ugh! W-When you say it like that…” (Kira)

My shoulders drop a little in defeat. I forgot drunk Kelly is way too good at fights. Verbal or otherwise.

“Wow! Isn’t that amazing!” (Sophie)

“It’s true. Kira is incredible you know?” (Ellie)

“I see, I see. I thought so at first, but it’s actually like that!” (Sophie)

“Yep, yep, it’s really like that!” (Ellie)

Ellie and Sophie have hit it off instantly. I just wish they wouldn’t praise me like that while nodding in unison. I’m a little happy though.

*Cough* So, hello Sophie. My name is Kiressara. This is Ellie.”

“Hello Kirisara! Hello Ellie!”

That’s some high tension, huh? She even fumbled my name, that's kinda cute! Right, we have a girl to save so-

“Where’s your sister, Sophie?

“Big sis Lara is back there…” (Sophie)

She points behind one of the boxes. I go check on her. Yep, that’s definitely a Devil Spider bite. Her leg is purple since the spider does have some venom, but all it does is make you itchy for a few days.

The curse it causes is the bigger problem. As far as curses go it’s a weak one. It forces the victim and they experience a never-ending nightmare. Pulling on the right ear makes the victim express how strong the curse has gotten.

It’s good news one of the things she said was ‘Piss-drinker.’ It means it hasn’t been more than two days since she was bitten. We should have two or three more days before it gets worse.

* * *

We finally make it out of the cave. Ellie is holding Lara over her shoulder, being careful not to disturb her too much. 

Since little Sophie has short legs and will slow us down, I’m giving her a ride on my shoulders. She’s much too light though. She’s practically skin and bones!

{Kira, I’ve found the kidnapped villagers.}

Finally, some good news. They weren’t inside the cave so we were afraid they were already gone.

{A group of eleven bandits is pulling them along in a cage-like carriage. There’s eight people inside.}

“Kelly go after them. You’re in better shape than the rest of us.” (Kira)

“Hmm?” (Sophie)

“Gotcha Red. Nano, you better show me the way!” (Kelly)

She ran off with that completely impossible speed.

“Huh? What?” (Sophie)

“Our friend Nano found the other people those bandits took. Kelly is going after them.” (Kira)

“They took people?” (Sophie)

“... weren’t you one of them?” (Kira)

“No, me and big sis sneaked in here a few days ago and hid with the stores. We were going to steal some of their food and run away, but she got hurt by a creepy thing and I was too scared to do anything…” (Sophie)

Sophie’s voice trails off, becoming almost a whisper. I see, these girls had it rough. Still, it took a lot of courage to do something like sneak into a bandit stronghold.

Wait, then they’re alone?

“Don’t you have a family to go back to?” (Kira)

“We have one but… they threw us out…” (Sophie)

“What!? Where was this?” (Kira)

“I don’t remember… it was a long time ago... Big sis looked after me. She foraged and begged for food. She always let me eat even if her tummy was grumbling…” (Sophie)

I see. You hear about these cases. The Church of Enuri tries, but some kids slip through the gaps. Still, to throw out little children! What sort of monster is that!

They’re lucky they had each other to lean on.

“That’s one amazing sister you have there.” (Kira)

“Yes! Lara is the best big sister ever!” (Sophie)

Good, her mood’s returned. Now, what do we do with all these people here.

It’s been around 30 or 40 minutes since that fight and they’re starting to wake up. Or faint from the pain of broken bones.

“Sophie, I need you to get down for a second.” (Kira)

I pick her off my shoulders and gently let her on the ground. I take my staff out of its sling and start focusing.

“What’s she doing?” (Sophie)

“Shh! Kira’s magic is going to come out!” (Ellie)

The two whisper about something behind me, but I pay it no mind.

"----------- [Grand Earth Bind]" (Kira)

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Rocks formed with magic spring out of the soil and wrap around their arms and legs. They’re completely bound and can’t move even if they wanted to.

““Ohhh!”” (Ellie + Sophie)

My mana’s severely depleted by now, but this should keep them still long enough for the villagers to come round them up tomorrow.

Oh right, I almost forgot.

We take a short walk towards a chunk of ice. This is a one-man prison made out of [Everfrost] magic.

“Hello, Fishface. I want to thank you again for your cooperation.” (Kira)

The man who hurt Ellie is stuck in never-melting ice. I used this method to confine him after I hunted him down. 

Turns out he’s just a thug with a scary flying fish. Which is now a useless pile of garbage. Much like himself, actually!

As for his cooperation? He’s kindly letting me relieve my anxiety from earlier.


I punch him in the face with my gauntlet. Ah, I feel better. I think I’m starting to understand why  Kelly fights so much. The drinking is still a no-no, though.

“Uugh! You BIT-” (Fishface)


Oh, that was a rock thrown from Ellie. He’s out like a light with a black eye.

I leave him behind to suffer a bit more. That magical ice won’t freeze him to death or anything. It’s not even cold! That’s why it’s ‘never-melting’ you see.

* * *

“Miss Kira?” (Sophie)

Sophie calls down from my shoulders as we’re walking through the mountainous terrain. 

She started calling me ‘miss Kira’ at some point. It feels a bit uncomfortable, but it’s better than being called ‘auntie’ or something so I let her do as she pleases. Ellie seems fine with it too, I guess not even she can be jealous of a little kid.

“Yes, sweetie?” (Kira)

“Who was that man in the blue stuff?” (Sophie)

“Just a bad man who really hurt Ellie. It’s my duty to punish him for ”

“I see.” (Sophie)

We walk along for a few minutes in silence until Kelly reports her success.

{“I got the villagers, they’re safe. We’re on our way back.”} (Kelly)

“What about the bandits?” (Kira)

{“They’re in the cage. I’m being kind and am pulling them along.”} (Kelly)

“Good job Kelly, see you soon.” (Kira)

{“Sure. Later, Red.”} (Kelly)

I can finally relax a little. With this we’ve completed all the things we set out to do today.

“Miss Kira? Why do you and your friends keep talking to people who aren’t there?” (Sophie)

Geh, I guess it really looks like this from the outside.

“Our friend Nano lets us talk even if they’re far away. It’s thanks to the special ear cuff we’re wearing.” (Kira)

“Ohh! Can I touch it?” (Sophie)

She moves her small hands to my ears and feels the metal-like cuff on the right.

“Oh! It’s there! Is this magic too!?” (Sophie)

“That’s right, it’s a special magic Nano uses.” (Kira)

“Miss Kira, who’s Nano?” (Sophie)

“Nano is our friend, he watches out for us and gives us advice.” (Kira)

“I see.” (Sophie)

She’s a cute kid, I can’t imagine what sort of horrible person would throw her out. If I ever find those parents I’m gonna-

“Miss Kira?” (Sophie)

“Yes, sweetie?” (Kira)

“Why were you really in that cave?” (Sophie)

Huh. I guess she’s sharper than she looks. She’d make a fine adventurer when she grows up!

“We were looking for Nano’s things. We found those bandits had taken them and decided to defeat them. I guess you could call it a coincidence.” (Kira)

“I see... I already thanked Kelly, but it's okay if I thank you too, right?” (Sophie)

“Of course.” (Kira)

“Thank you Kira! Thank you Ellie! Ah, I want to thank Nano too, but I can’t see him!” (Sophie)

{Hahaha, what a sensible little girl! Hold on, I'll do her a special service.}

“Oh! Nano says he's going to do something special for you!” (Kira)

“Eh?” (Sophie)

I hear a slight hum as Nano's eye golem descends from the sky. It's a white ball that's about the size of a head, with a big crystal like ‘eye’ on it. 

It floats gently next to the little girl on my shoulders.

“Hello Sophie.” (Nano)

“Waah! It spoke! It flies!? Is this Nano?” (Sophie)

It can DO that? No, actually, we never needed it before.

“Part of me, yes. I came here because I heard you had something very special to tell me.” (Nano)

“Ah! Yes! That is, thank you very much for saving my sister and me!” (Sophie)

“You’re very welcome! Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a job to do.” (Nano)

It flies off back into the sky until we can’t see it anymore.

“That was so cool! What was that?! I want to fly too!” (Sophie)

Sophie’s tension is probably soaring higher than that eye golem right now. It’s pretty adorable. I have a wide grin on my face without realizing it.

"Kira looks really happy." (Ellie)

"Sophie's a cute kid, I can’t help it." (Kira)

"Butt-munch!" (Lara)

“...” (Kira)

"Sorry..." (Ellie)


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About the author


  • Chestiest Chest That Ever Chested

Bio: I'm a programmer, a mythical creature that survives completely on beer and cynicism. We skulk in the dark, secretly cursing and despising everyone else. Especially other programmers.

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