Binary Soul



Chapter 59 - Be more understanding with student drivers - it's a terrifying position!

Act Five - Unity

> Lara PoV <

“Look girls, you can see Runetap’s… walls?” (Kira)

Wait, why did that turn into a question? This is your home, right? This is where we’re going to live, right? Surely you’d know where it is, so why are we here?

“Kira! There’s a big hole!” (Sophie)

Sophie jumps up and down excitedly. I mean yeah, it’s a hole. It’s gigantic. It’s like someone showed up and scooped out the ground with an impossibly-sized spoon.

“Ah! I forgot! I got carried away with the little balls of adorable and I completely forgot!” (Kira)

Huh? Forgot what? Where the city was? Also, who are you calling a ball! I’m not fat, okay?!

“It’s that time of the year! I can’t believe I forgot all about it! Ahhhh I missed out!” (Kira)

Kira grabs her head and starts shaking her whole body left and right!

“Kira, Kira, what did you forget?” (Lara)

I pulled on her sleeve to get her attention. She was getting lost in her own world!

“Ah, right, sorry about that. Once a year the city floats up into the sky and with all the excitement, we missed it.” (Kira)

“...” (Lara)

“I see, I see, excuse me a second.” (Kelly)


“Wow, the city can fly!? That’s amazing! I want to see, I want to see!” (Sophie)

Ah, I was spacing out! Sophie’s sudden outburst helped me snap back to reality. Kelly’s retreating at full speed already, though!

“Kira, Kira, why does it fly?” (Lara)

“About 70 years ago the Baron at the time ordered the people to bury a number of these specially enchanted Magic Stones all around the city. Since monster raids happened so often, he wanted to have a city-wide emergency defense system.” (Kira)

“Oh! So they wanted to fly above the monsters to avoid them?” (Lara)

That’s pretty amazing! That way the monsters can’t hurt the people or the buildings! Ah, it must be a bit inconvenient for the people but...

“Nope, the idea was to deploy a city-wide barrier so the soldiers and adventurers could fight without worry. Unfortunately someone made a typo and ordered flying-type stones instead of barrier-type stones.” (Kira)


Huh? Barrier? Wait, that does sound a lot more convenient... Also, Kelly is retreating further and further into her flask! Stay with us Kelly!

“Since they looked the same they buried them without realizing the mistake. When it was eventually found out, the enchantments in the stones were already seeped into the soil and rock so it was far too late to do anything about it.” (Kira)

“But then… wait, they fly up every year? And only once a year?” (Lara)

What kind of defensive function is that? Aren’t they just playing around?

“That’s right. Even though the city can fly, it takes a long time to gather the mana and then activate the spell so it’s useless in an emergency. In the end they made it into a tourist attraction.” (Kira)

Ah, they really are playing around. 

“It’s known as the Cloudburst Festival, it’s quite romantic up there. I wanted to show it to Ellie so bad...” (Kira)

“Just being with Kira is romantic every day, you know?” (Ellie)

“Awww, Ellie ~♡! You’re making me blush ~♡!” (Kira)

Those two are a bit too much sometimes. Kelly usually stops them, but she's already flying somewhere on her own...

“Kira, Kira, I want to see! I want to see!” (Sophie)

“I’m sorry, sweetie, we can’t.” (Kira)

Sophie jumps up and down while holding Kira’s shirt, but Kira pats her apologetically on the head.

I understand, I want to see it too, but there’s no way we can get up there.

“It will already be over by the time we get there.” (Kira)

That’s the issue!?” (Lara)

“Of course. See? It’s already coming down.” (Kira)

She points up at the sky. A gigantic shadow is indeed coming down from above. It floats gracefully towards the hole in the distance.

“Well, since it’ll take a while let’s get this moving. Kelly! Get us back on the road, okay?”

“Aye aye cap’n. C’mon Cloppy. Let’s go. We have to. Have to. Thingie.” (Kelly)

Kelly unsteadily orders the huge golem to pull the cart. We get a good view as the city comes down grandly, spinning slightly as it aligns itself with the hole.

We’re a few hundred meters away from where the city, along with the small upside-down mountain it’s riding on, slowly enters its spot.

No, it only looks slow from a distance, isn’t that actually pretty fast?


With a loud, gut-wrenching sound and a cloud of dust, it basically crashes into the hole!

“Ah, they must have a new guy this year. They missed.” (Kira)

Missed? What do you mean missed!? 

Actually, the ground is slightly tilted to the left and the gate doesn’t match the road…


With another loud noise and cloud of dust, it (relatively) slightly floats back up, turns to the right and then gently and quietly fit into its proper position. It's like it never even left!

A few minutes later we reach the gates. The guards are already at their position and a long line of people are slowly leaving the city.

“Good day Mis- I mean, Mrs Quasse.” (Guard)

“Good day Rupert. Is the Captain in? We have two immigrants for processing.” (Kira)

“He’ll be back shortly. You can go up and wait in his office.” (Rupert)

“Thanks Rupert. Did you have fun with the Cloudburst?” (Kira)

“It was alright, I guess. Looks like you missed it, though.” (Rupert)

The tale has been stolen; if detected on Amazon, report the violation.

“Couldn’t be helped. Well, there’s always next year.” (Kira)

Kira talks idly with the guard while he inspects our identifications. Even though they’re so familiar they still check, huh? The guards here are a lot more professional than the others I’ve seen.

“All done, you’re clear to enter. You be careful now Mrs. Quasse, the tourists this year are a bit rowdier than usual.” (Rupert)

He calls out to Kira as we pass by. Rowdy tourists sound scary! I guess he’s worried about us since we’re only wome-

“Okay. I’ll make sure to only slightly break their arms.” (Ellie)

Wait, he’s talking to Ellie? And what do you mean slightly?

“I appreciate it, Mrs Quasse. The churches can barely keep up with your business these days.” (Rupert)

Ah I see. The ones in danger aren’t us. Or rather, does Ellie seriously generate that many patients!?

* * *

Kelly went ahead with the cart to unload. Meanwhile, the rest of us were waiting in this office. There were only three chairs, so Sophie is sitting on my lap. She’s been getting a bit heav- I mean healthier lately. She's not fat, okay?

The place is a mess though. A book-case has fallen over and a bunch of papers are all over the place. Looks like that landing earlier was a bit rough.

The door opens and a scary-looking man in armor walks in. He looks exactly like a bandit though. He could easily run for Bandit King and find the legendary Piece of One!

“Good day girls.” (Bandit King)

“Good day Guard Captain.” (Kira)

“Good day Olboun.” (Ellie)

Wait, this guy’s a guard? A captain?

“So what happened with the Cloudburst?” (Kira)

“Same as always. Mostly. New guy sneezed and choked on the landing a little, but it’s all good.” (Olboun)

He walks around us and sits down behind the desk. He looks in my and Sophie’s direction.

“And who are the two little visitors ya brought today?” (Olboun)

“Two cute kids that we happened to pick up.” (Kira)

Why did she say it like it was completely by accident? Ah, but it sort of was, wasn’t it? Not that I mind though.

“And who did ya take them from this time?” (Olboun)

Eh? Take? This time!? Doesn’t that make her a criminal!? 

Sis on the other hand is happily humming to herself with closed eyes, completely ignoring the situation. That may be the right answer. Sis is really smart for her age you know?

“Please don’t say it like that. We just found these abandoned kids and want to give them the happiness they deserve.” (Kira)

Uuuuu, somehow I get a bit embarrassed when she says it clearly like that. The captain pulls out two pieces of paper and turns to us.

* * *

Some 15 minutes later, he stamps and signs the two pieces of paper and puts them in front of us. I take a peek at them since I’m curious.

Background confirmation form BG-K

Name: Sophie Corman
Race: Human
Sex: F
Age: 6
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Special features: Way too adorable
Birthplace: Pororoca
Father: Piss Drinker
Mother: Unknown, presumed deceased
Siblings: Lara Corman
Spouse: None
Known affiliations: Mrs & Mrs Quasse
Previous offenses: None
Character evaluation: Good kid
Inspector: Guard Captain Olboun, Runetap

Background confirmation form BG-K

Name: Lara Corman
Race: Human
Sex: F
Age: 9
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Special features: The bestest sister ever
Birthplace: Pororoca
Father: Piss Drinker
Mother: Unknown, presumed deceased
Siblings: Sophie Corman
Spouse: None
Known affiliations: Mrs & Mrs Quasse
Previous offenses: Minor theft
Character evaluation: Good kid
Inspector: Guard Captain Olboun, Runetap

Wait, why did he put down exactly what was said!? This is an official document, right?

“Mister Olboun, why did you write down those things?” (Lara)

“Because I can. It’s within my authority as Guard Captain. Like this, that no-good dad of yours is officially a Piss Drinker, as you so nicely put it.” (Olboun)

Guh, the after-effects of that curse still haven’t worn off. But it fits, so I can’t complain.

“Don’t worry about it, as long as there’s a stamp and ‘Good kid’ on it you’ll be fine.” (Olboun)

“Kira, is that really okay?” (Lara)

“It is. Despite how he looks, he’s a real capable guard you know?” (Kira)

“I see. He’s capable despite how he looks.” (Lara)

“It’s true. I was shocked too! Despite how he looks he’s actually a nice guy.” (Ellie)

“I see! Mister was actually really nice! Despite how he looks!” (Sophie)

Hmm? Why does the guard captain look depressed all of a sudden?

The door opens and the lady we saw on our way in leans in through the doorway.

“Girls! How many times!? Stop bullying Olboun! He’s still a guard, despite how he looks.” (Secretary)

All of a sudden the Bandit King, I mean Olboun, stands up and takes out his sword!

“That’s how it is, huh! My looks are a problem huh? Maybe I should just slice off my face, huh?” (Olboun)

Wait, what!? Has he gone mad? He’s pointing his sword at his own head!

“Simmons! BF-3!” (Secretary)

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About the author


  • Chestiest Chest That Ever Chested

Bio: I'm a programmer, a mythical creature that survives completely on beer and cynicism. We skulk in the dark, secretly cursing and despising everyone else. Especially other programmers.

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